mercredi 4 juin 2014

Article 17 : The Secret To Get Your Soap Products Noticed and Stand Out From The Crowd

There are many ways to stand out from the crowd. But having that for a goal is simply not enough. You need to think about being consistent in what you are trying to say about your product while getting your target market's attention.

In the previous emails, we talked about how to identify what your target market likes. And then, we talked about creating key communication messages to communicate the features and benefits of your product as they relate to your target market. 

When figuring out ways to stand out, making sure that they're consistent with your key communication messages will reinforce the position that you want your products to have in the hearts and minds of your target market.

So, what are the ways you can stand out? Here are some ideas:

1. Creating a unique product - creating soaps that are unique in appearance (shapes and colors) can help people take notice of your product.

2. Using signature scents - play with different scents and find a blend that's appealing to your target market

3. Add special properties - your products can also stand out if the have properties that make them special such as curative properties or soothing properties.

4. Packaging - using colorful packaging materials, or unique and unexpected packaging materials will definitely help you catch the attention of your target market.

5. Selling concept - instead of selling by bar, how about selling by weight, or by jar? Or how about creating selling packages?

6. Endorsements - being endorsed by a well-known person will help your product gain recognition fast.

7. Selling location - selling in unexpected places can help your product stand out.

8. Pricing strategy - using price as a way to get attention can be tricky. You don't wan to price too low that it makes it too hard for your to breakeven.

I'll repeat this because it's important. Standing out for the sake of standing out doesn't work unless it's tied to your key communication messages. By having it consistent with your overall message, you'd be able to create a stronger identity for your product in the mind of your target market.

In our next lesson, we'll talk about pricing - how to price your products competitively for wholesale and retail transactions.

Talk to you soon,

P. S. Still not sure about getting "The Super Soap Making Book"? Then this is the best piece of news yet. Did you know that the book comes with a 60-day money back guarantee? From the date of purchase of the book, you have 60 days to review the product and decide for yourself whether it's good or not. If it doesn't meet your expectations, just send an email and you get a full refund. No need to return the book, no need to give an explanation - you get your money back and you get to keep the book, and the bonus book, for free.

Click on this link to learn more about this offer:

The Super Soap Making Book:
A Beginner’s Guide To Soap Making

NOTE: Picture (s) and content are original and should not be used without permission of the author - Christophe Leroy - aka cleroy61, Copyright 2013, All rights reserved.

All third party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owners. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.

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