mercredi 18 juin 2014

Article 18 : Learn How To Price Your Products Competitively - Get The Formula Here!

When determining how to price your products, there are several things you need to consider. Obviously, you want to price it within the range that your target market is willing to spend. You also want to price it good enough to recover your costs and keep a nice profit for your efforts.

Depending on how you plan to market or to sell your product, you may need to have more than just one price for a certain product. You might want to have a retail price and a bulk selling price. You might also want to think about giving a percentage off or a commission to re-sellers and sales agents who are willing to help you promote and sell your products.

Before you can price your item, the first step is to identify your costs.

To identify your costs, you need to list down all the ingredients you need for each bar of soap and put a dollar value to it. And I mean ALL the ingredients - every drop and every ounce.

Once you've accounted for the cost of the ingredients, you need to add a value to the labor costs that went into product creation. That means identifying how much time each person involved in the process spends in creating a bar of soap, and the computing the cost of those minutes or hours.

Next, you need to account for the cost of the packaging material that you will be using for each bar of soap.

Once you have these 3 components of your product cost, you can now compute for your wholesale and retail prices. You can use this formula as a guide and adjust as necessary:

Wholesale Price

[(Cost of ingredients) + (Cost of labor) + (Cost of packaging)] x 2.35 = Wholesale Price

Retail Price

(Wholesale Price) x 2 = Retail Price

If you would like to read more about pricing and marketing strategies that you can apply when setting up your soap business, this book has it - "The Super Soap Making Book". It has what you need to start a soap making business, including information that will teach you all about making unique homemade soap that you can create for fun or for profit. Head on over here to learn more:

The Super Soap Making Book:
A Beginner’s Guide To Soap Making

In our next lesson, we'll talk about ways that you can reach out to your target market - cheaply and effectively.

All the best,

NOTE: Picture (s) and content are original and should not be used without permission of the author - Christophe Leroy - aka cleroy61, Copyright 2013, All rights reserved.

All third party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owners. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.

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