To a certain degree, soap making is an exact science. Depending on the method you choose to use when you make your soap, it’s not all about design and creativity. It’s also about measurements – finding the right ratio of lye to oil which varies depending on the type of oil that you use. It’s about achieving the right temperature and applying the right amount of force to allow the ingredients to fuse together and become the soap that you desire. It’s choosing the right kinds of additives, and adding them at just the right moment.
Why people make a lot of mistakes, even when they are simply following recipes is because they don’t know the technique that expert soap makers have discovered by trial and error.
So if you’ve always wanted:
- To create home made soap and succeed at it;
- To put up a home based soap making business and succeed at it;
- To be able to create different types of soap and succeed at it
… Then you should definitely read on!
If you’ve been looking for tried and tested recipes so you can create:
- Organic soap
- Liquid soap
- Kiddie soap
- Beauty soap
- Bath Bombs
- Men’s soap
- Antibacterial soap
Then, you’ll be absolutely pleased with this ebook that I’ve put together!
The Super Soap Making Book:
A Beginner’s Guide To Soap Making
A Beginner’s Guide To Soap Making
Now, you don’t have to go from site to site to look up the information you need to start creating a wide variety of soap and soap products! This comprehensive guide will tell you, step-by-step, exactly what you need to know in order to create perfect batches of soap all the time!
This amazing ebook is a product of the research I did, the classes I took and the years of soap making experience that I have, as well as the experience and advice of my fellow soap artists and soap merchants. It will teach you not only how to make soap, but also how to sell it and profit from it.
This amazing ebook is a product of the research I did, the classes I took and the years of soap making experience that I have, as well as the experience and advice of my fellow soap artists and soap merchants. It will teach you not only how to make soap, but also how to sell it and profit from it.
NOTE: Picture (s) and content are original and should not be used without permission of the author - Christophe Leroy - aka cleroy61, Copyright 2013, All rights reserved.
All third party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owners. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.
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