mercredi 9 avril 2014

Article 12 : Is There A Market For Your Homemade Soap?

Aside from being a lot of fun, soapmaking is also a thriving business. Whether you intend to train people to make soap, or sell your own homemade soap and soap products, there is a proven market
out there. And the great thing about it is that the skills you need you can easily learn. (Check out "The Super Soapmaking Book" at To learn more ! or more on learning the skills you need and the steps for setting up a successful soap business).  

Soap is something everybody needs. For a lot of people, homemade soap is an inexpensive luxury they indulge in. For others, special recipes of homemade soap are a necessity because of their curative,
soothing or relaxing properties.

Selling soap is a business you can start from the comforts of home, with very little initial investment. The ingredients for making soap aren't expensive. And with practice, you'll be able to find a soap making method that works for you. With those in place, you are ready to create your product.

I would understand if you are a bit worried about the competition. After all, mass produced soap is available everywhere. They're inexpensive, they're not bad, and they advertise. What chance would
you have competing with those guys?

But I dare say that there is a market for homemade soap - and it's not the same market that the commercial soap products are after. This market includes consumers who are averse to commercial soap because they want something more. 

We are talking about people who are particular about soap scents, concerned with being unique, desire only the choice ingredients for their soap and are after the special properties that specialty soaps carry. These are the people who are willing to pay a premium for premium soap blends.

Aside from this market, you also have the gift market to consider. Soap is a wonderful gift item, that is easy to personalize and that can come in a wide variety of creative shapes, sizes and packaging concepts. It is also a popular party favor and corporate gift item.  

Before you launch your business, you need to identify the specific niche or the specific market you are targeting, You need to create a business plan and create a market strategy that will allow you to reach your market, to differentiate yourself and to beat the competition. Finally, you also need a pricing strategy that makes sense and will allow you to earn a decent profit.  

All of these will be covered in our 10-day mini course. And if you would like a more in depth discussion on the topic of setting up a soap business, as well as learn the skills that you need if you are a beginner soap maker, then check out this book called "The Super Soap Making Book". This book has all the information you need to be able to create unique soap recipes and to set up a successful soap business. You can look it up here:

To learn more !

In my next email, we'll talk about what makes a soap stand out in the minds of consumers. This is vital to understand when you're planning what kind of product you should create in order to appeal to your clients. 

The Super Soap Making Book:
A Beginner’s Guide To Soap Making

NOTE: Picture (s) and content are original and should not be used without permission of the author - Christophe Leroy - aka cleroy61, Copyright 2013, All rights reserved.

All third party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owners. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.

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